Do you think yer a Tractor Guy?

- You own a Lawn Tractor even though you live in a condominium.

- You wore bib overalls at your wedding.

- Instead of family pictures in your wallet, you have pictures of all your tractors.

- All of your Tractors have Names.

- You mow the lawn with your Combine.

- You plow even though you fully intended to go no-till.

- You drive your Tractor instead of your mini-van when the wife sends you for groceries.

- You have Slow Moving Vehicle signs on all of your automobiles.

- Your still Reading this Stupid list to see if you fit in.

- You know more about your Tractor's Ancestry than you do about your wife's.

- You have a picture of your new Combine on the wall in your office.

- You put a little Chrome Tractor Hood Ornament on your wife's new Buick.

- You drive your Farmall H to Town.

- Your wife's new car lives outside, so you can put your old Tractor inside.

- You are working on your tractor and your wife says, "Honey Come to bed" and you reply "Not now, I am busy!".

- You use a plough foot for a Paperweight.

- You have more Toy Tractors then your kids do.

- You think that Gasoline and old Grease smell good.

- You want to go to a Tractor Pull so bad, that you agree to take ALL the kids with you.

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